First Coach Academy

A community based non-profit organization focused on innovating in the space of youth coaching and development.  We use our three core programs to support the relationship of parents (a child's 1st coach) and their children.  We aim to enable kids in the local community to grow up together using strategic activities that will help them build character.  These "life lessons" will establish in them hope, nurture belief, grow a higher degree of tolerance to manage through potential challenges.  Welcome to a next level coaching experience!

President: Timothy Burroughs Tel: (404) 565 - 3755 Email:

6000 Stewart Pkwy, #5092, Douglasville, Georgia, USA

Dominators Baseball

Inside we grow skills and Outside we reinforce them with friends. At the 3-way intersection of health and fitness, complex decision making, and team building, we leverage the game of baseball for both parent and player.  Recreation and travel leagues available.

Game of Life...Chess Club

"Studies have shown countless benefits to playing chess, including increased problem solving, developed critical thinking skills and cognitive skills. Still, there’s a resistance to incorporate chess into schools." (Essence, 2016)  


We believe that life is an equation to solve.  Mathematics is a pathway to the field of Engineering.  Involving more families in problem solving exercises and pattern recognition at the earliest possible time leads to generational wealth and will establish a lasting legacy.